August 16th, 2009
Islam would be the unifying force through which peace would be brought to the world.
LONDON - His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, a Muslim organisation with an estimated 80 million members in 192 countries, today concluded the three-day 34th Annual Convention at the Maimarkt, in Mannheim, Germany, by saying that Islam would be the unifying force through which peace would be brought to the world.
The Convention themed ‘Islam Means Peace’ was attended by more than 32,000 people from across the world. These included German Parliamentarians and dignitaries who on behalf of the German Parliament gave His Holiness a heartfelt welcome.
During the Conference, His Holiness spoke of the increasing dependence of non-Ahmadis on alcohol, drugs and other vices to achieve temporary but short lived pleasures and also the preservation of universal human rights.
Calling on all people to fulfil their duty to preserve human rights and serve humanity, His Holiness quoted the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on the issue of equality and rights saying:
“All men are equal… An Arab possesses no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab over an Arab. A white man is in no way superior to a black man nor for that matter is a black man superior to a white man”
His Holiness said that a small minority of so called Muslims had tarnished the name of Islam committing unrelenting acts of murder, even against women and children. Denouncing terrorism in the strongest terms, His Holiness rejected any association of such acts with Islam.
His Holiness used his closing address to say that Ahmadi Muslims did not believe in a bloody revolution, rather, they sought to end wars and bring salvation to the world through Islam’s message of love, affection, harmony and welfare.
In a stark message to the Muslim world, His Holiness said that unless they altered their destructive current course and repented, they would not survive the wrath of Allah.
In a powerful conclusion, His Holiness said:
“To win the hearts of people, literature and knowledge is what must be used. This is more effective than a worldly sword. Literature is the best weapon which can never be blunted … the beginning of the new century of Ahmadiyyat should be a landmark in history for the revival of the world.”
Further Info: Abid Khan: / Tel: +44(0)7795490682
Source: Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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